Top 3 things on my mind
Pamela Ballinger
Senior Managing Director, Meetings, Events and Exhibits
The AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) Annual Meeting is the epicenter of the cancer research community. This is where everyone gathers to share the latest advances in cancer science and medicine.
Today, Freeman sits down with Pamela Ballinger to talk about the top three things on her mind.

Thing 1
PB: The number one thing on my mind is the budget and the increasing costs of meetings and events. Everything from travel and hotel to the goods and services is skyrocketing. Yes, this impacts ROI. But for us, it’s about the young doctors. We have a lot who are just starting out and they can’t afford to go to these meetings. We do as much as we can for them and want to do way more.
Thing 2
PB: I’m constantly trying to keep up with technology and to understand it. This is more personal to me, but I think it’s really important. I have great partners like Freeman who come to me with new technology and keep me on top of it. That’s vital. We can’t always do all the innovations that are being offered. But we need to know and understand our options.

Thing 3
PB: One of the biggest things on my mind since returning from COVID is staffing at every level, internally and externally — a lot of people have left the industry. We have new team members we need to train. A lot of our long-term vendor and partner relationships are new. So, that trust you had earned on both sides now has to be rebuilt.
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