Best Practices

5 Questions to Ask Your AV Production Partner

(and 5 Questions They Should Ask You)

Start planning creative AV and production for a perfect 10 event.

It takes a well-executed plan to deliver keynotes, presentations, live performances, LED signage, and all other AV-driven experiences that create an event your attendees will consider a 10 out of 10.

Does this mean you have to formulate the plan, understand the equipment required, and get down to the wire with technical aspects of audio-visual production? Not so much.

But it does help to know what questions to ask to get the sound advice you need for an efficient planning process.

Our AV creative production experts helped compile the top five questions you should ask your potential event AV partner — and bonus! — five questions an AV partner, who is really plugged in, should ask you.

Ask your AV creative production partner these 5 questions: 

1. What level of services do you offer? 

It’s essential that you confirm the AV creative partner can support your needs at every level – from event strategy to AV equipment delivery.

2. How can you provide more value compared to other AV partners? 

The best AV providers will have extensive experience along with a professional AV and creative production knowledge base to look at your event holistically while elevating it within budget and time constraints — as not all experience elevations increase cost/budget, but are built from knowledge in supporting your attendee’s experience.

3. How do you control costs? 

Find out if your AV provider can scale solutions specific to your event needs while offering innovative solutions that fit within your budget.

Pro-tip: Watch out for hidden costs, such as internet, cross-rental equipment, bolts and rigging, rates for power, over time, and more). A great AV partner is transparent about all costs upfront so there are no surprises after your event. Check out our AV spending checklist for more cost-controlling tips.

4. How can I elevate my keynote and general session(s) without blowing the budget? 

Partner with experts that can do more than simply deliver AV production services — confirm they have the resources and creative vision to design experiences that engage your attendees from the moment they walk in until they leave.

5. Should I consider any of the event venue’s AV solutions? 

Work with an AV team that can help you navigate venue capabilities, solutions that may be more (or less) cost efficient, and outside vendor requirements.

Look for these 5 questions your AV production partner should ask you:

1 What is your brand story? 

Get ready to share your brand’s values, mission, and personality so your AV partner can help plan solutions that amplify and communicate your message/brand throughout the event.

2. What are your business goals?

Your AV planner will want to get the download on your marketing goals (are you trying to increase market share? boost brand recognition?), event-specific goals (looking to educate attendees? launch a new product or service?), and any personal goals (what would you like to accomplish during the event?).

3. What is your vision? 

Communicating your objectives (looking to increase attendance? want to measure engagement?) and vision will help make sure that integrated AV services support your event’s purpose with event flow and timing, audience experience, interactive elements, and more.

If your brand already has a corporate vision, your AV planner can help you extend that vision to all areas of your event and beyond — from keynote, general sessions, etc. to reusable digital and video content.

4. What kind of event are you planning?

The production and AV equipment needed will depend on the kind of event you are planning — Is your event for 500 sales professionals or 1,000 exhibitors and more than 10,000 attendees?

5. What do you want your attendee journey to consist of? 

AV helps define the attendee journey from the time attendees arrive until they leave with experiences such as: keynotes, general sessions, potential activations, digital signage, entrance/lobby and registration, and interactive and immersive production elements.

The Pros of working with an AV expert

It’s the questions you ask ahead of time that will help bring your event vision to light without having to feel like you are planning in the dark. Whether you need a little guidance or a lot, the ideal AV provider will work side-by-side with you to implement the best audio-visual program for your event.

Ready to put these questions to the test?

Get in touch.

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